Sarah A’ryana is a Divine Channel that heard the call from Mother Earth to help in Humanity’s Ascension.

As a child, Sarah was highly sensitive and empathic. Throughout her childhood years she could feel others’ emotions and otherworldly energies around her. 

On Sarah’s 30th birthday her awakening journey began. A veil lifted and Sarah spent the next few years on a journey of self-discovery through reading, traveling, and taking courses. 

A couple of years later, she was still searching for something. She wanted more than the routine of waking up in the morning, going to work, and taking care of her family. She knew there was more to her purpose in life. She decided right then and there to sit down and meditate for twenty minutes every morning and night.

After a few months of dedicated practice, her mind became silent and in the present moment. 

Stillness within Sarah’s mind led her to see the brightest white Light coming out of her hands, in a dark room with her eyes closed!

Shortly after that experience, she had an intense, life-changing kundalini awakening that lasted for months. She began to see energy and feel energy coming out of her hands. Sarah knew information and could hear beyond this world. Her intuitive gifts were expanding. 

Years of fear were acknowledged and released. Sarah’s experience was terrifying at times, with Dark Nights of the Soul and had moments of “Am I going crazy?!?” 

Sarah was a changed person after this Awakening and began to look at life in a completely different way.


She felt hope and compassion for all humans, life, and the planet. She started to shine Light on animals, nature, first responders, and everyone that she was guided to.

Sarah’s diet changed. She eliminated meat, alcohol, coffee, processed sugar, and certain types of flour; her body no longer allowing these items to enter her system.

Through all of these transformational changes, Sarah knew she was here to help and teach others on their journeys. 

Sarah completed her Reiki Master and Yoga Teacher certifications and supported clients with Reiki for seven years. Sarah taught meditation classes and yoga to adults and children and also became a Reiki volunteer through Hospice and the Hospital Cancer Clinic.  

Almost ten years after seeing the Light coming out of her hands, it happened again during meditation in a dark room. Sarah’s guidance communicated that it was time to help clients remotely around the globe through Multidimensional healing. 

Multidimensional healing was different from Reiki as Sarah was guided to use Light Language, Healing instruments, and Breath-work in the client sessions as Divine Light Beings entered the room. 

The Divine and Sarah helped many clients around the globe as they went to other realms, planets, and past lives helping the clients release, clear, and heal energetically.

At the beginning of 2020, a group called the Divine Light Collective (DLC) connected with Sarah asking her to channel information to help Humanity in Earth’s Grand Awakening. 3 books have now come forward.

Book One, “HUMANITY’S GUIDEBOOK TO ASCENSION: Channeled Guidance to prepare for the 5th dimension and beyond” is a step by step guide on how to RELEASE from the 3D density on Earth.

Book Two, “HUMANITY’S AWAKENING IN ASCENSION: Channeled Memories of Earth’s Hidden Truths” are selected Earth stories to activate and TRANSFORM your energy. The DLC recommend taking your time with book 2 and using your intuition on when to read the next story. As the intention of book 2 is to awaken your energy, as you remember who you are.

Book Three, HUMANITY’S REVELATIONS IN ASCENSION: Channeled Galactic Knowledge in Earth’s Awakening” are stories and wisdom shared from many Galactic species to awaken you to your Divine mission and purpose. As with book 2, the DLC also recommends taking your time with book 3. The intention in this final book is to align and connect your energy with All That Is as we move into the 5th Dimension and Beyond.

When Sarah’s channeling abilities were activated this opened not only the portal for the DLC to come through but many Galactic species and realms beyond this Universe to help ALL of humanity.

Sarah now offers monthly Live Zoom Quantum Transmission Events to support the LightWarrior Community as we awaken and remember who we are.

It is a great honour for Sarah to connect with the beautiful Souls who participate in the Live Quantum Events. She thanks each of you for being here and for being a part of this Light-filled community.

Sarah lives on Vancouver Island, Canada with her family and enjoys being in nature and connecting with the beauty of this world.